Ifix update only in DNG not in CCM and RQM
In our environment QM, RM,CCM,DB are installed on separate servers.
I updated to ifix 011 in RM server and in CCM & QM ifix005 version is there.
is it correct process or not?
it will effect any other applications?
Kindly let us know if we need to update in CCM and QM application also.
One answer
The recommended best practice is to keep all of the application and Jazz Server at the same and latest iFix level. This is what is tested in our pipeline and regression tests. As with the traditional CLM, a distributed, mixed topology is supported as long as the JTS is at an equal or higher level then the applications. A mix of iFix levels is supported but not a recommended best practice. For all-in-one-installation mixed topology is not supported and all applications should be on the same iFix level.