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web.inline editor

Roger Layani (5313238) | asked Oct 19 '14, 2:38 a.m.
I am trying to create a new web.inline editor for a customized Work Item named "Gate"
To created this new editor I duplicate the web.inline.default editor, add a Gate new tab in the tabs list and remove all non relevant other tab (default, task, risk , etc..) 
In fact this new web.inline.gate editor includes only the Gate tab entry.
Under the Type definitions I changed the web.inline editor setting to the new created web.inline.gate.

Trying to edit a gate from a query using the right pencil I still get the default editor for gate

Has someone any idea what I am doing wrong and why I did not get the expected editor?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 20 '14, 5:53 a.m.
As you can see from the structure, in the web.inline editor, each tab stands for a specific work item type.
What I did to get a new inline editor successfully was:

  1. From the type Gate, select the edit for the web inline editor
  2. In the open web inline editor, select a Tab of the web.inline editor (for example story). Duplicate that tab and name it Gate providing an ID
  3. Edit the tab content as you desire
  4. Save the editor presentation
  5. Go back to the work item type Gate. In the inline editor section select "" as the editor

This procedure works for me.

Roger Layani selected this answer as the correct answer

Roger Layani commented Oct 20 '14, 2:42 p.m.

Hi Ralph

As usually your answer solves my problem
Thank you 

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