Continue Work In function not working as expected
I was trying to use the Continue Work In function within the thick client on version 4.0.5. I noticed that while it creates a duplicate of the task I attempted to "continue", it does not copy all of the attributes before it closes it. It basically created a task with the spent hours and the date, but filled out almost none of the fields including the summary or any custom attributes. It did however, properly set the "planned for" to the correct iteration on the old task as well as add a link to the continued task but that was really it.
Seems like in order to do this the way RTC 'tries' to do it, I have to copy the "old" task into the current iteration, adjust for the spent hours, add a link to the continued item, and then close it. Then open up the old task, set the planned for to the next iteration and again adjust the time.
This is all quite tedious. Does anyone have any other suggestions that involve a less manual process until this function works more reliably?
Seems like in order to do this the way RTC 'tries' to do it, I have to copy the "old" task into the current iteration, adjust for the spent hours, add a link to the continued item, and then close it. Then open up the old task, set the planned for to the next iteration and again adjust the time.
This is all quite tedious. Does anyone have any other suggestions that involve a less manual process until this function works more reliably?