RQM: Execution Count report and Build Record details for TCER report
For example in the below screenshot Scorecard report
It gives the count of Passed and Failed TCERs as per the latest result count. But it do not give a statistics of total execution count which is marked in red box. Do we have any report which gives a detailed report on the
total execution count?
2) Is there any report which gives the Build Record details for TCER?
One answer
The "Executions" field that you see on the Scorecard report shows the total number of times the TCER have been executed. What type of "statistics" are you looking for? The parameter "Most Recent Iteration Only" gives you the flexibility to display information about all the executions or take into account only the most recent ones.
I didn't find any BIRT report that shows the Build Record information. Keep in mind that RRDI provides a data model with access to all this information. The Execution Result Area of the model shows all the information related to execution results, including the build records.
For Execution count we expect the same Passed and Failed count statistic. For TCER count (Latest Result) gives the counts of Passed and Failed. Similarly we need the same count statistics for Execution count (Latest Result + Previous Results). Most Recent Iteration Only do not make any difference with the statistics display.
The Most Recent Iteration parameter does make a difference in the values I see on my test environment, but it's not going to show you the values you are looking for. What I understand is that if you execute the same TCER several times, you want to have the detail of each execution, instead of only the current one. Again, RRDI would be a good option to create the report showing the data you need. You could also submit an enhancement request to have a new report created.
Clara Forero
JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 16 '14, 1:50 p.m.Hi Rajesh,
There is no screenshot attached. Are you talking about BIRT or Cognos report? Could you please send me the screenshot you are talking about?
For future reference, this is the help information about Reporting in RQM: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_5.0.1/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/qm_c_reporting_overview.html?lang=en
Rajesh Avanthi
Oct 16 '14, 2:07 p.m.Thanks Clara. These are the default BIRT reports in RQM. PFA the screenshot
Rajesh Avanthi
Oct 16 '14, 2:08 p.m.Build Record details for TCER. For Example: