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EM CLM differences

Mahari Hill (4861179230) | asked Mar 31 '13, 10:30 p.m.

Using a Windows system to evaluate CLM 4.0.2. However, the need is for two groups, one z and the other i series. Is there an article that explains the difference between its use for these platforms and the difference on windows? Something like you can/cannot do this or that per platform?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Tory Jaskoviak (52015) | answered Apr 01 '13, 7:32 p.m.
Hi Mahari,

Here is a link for the system requirements for CLM 4.0.2:

If you scroll down to the table you can see the CLM Server Support, RRDI Support, and other Support Notes based on the associated operating systems. I hope this answers your question!

Mahari Hill selected this answer as the correct answer

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