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REQIF import to DNG from DOORS and then DOORS from

Brad Barker (2133) | asked Oct 06 '14, 12:47 p.m.
edited Oct 06 '14, 9:48 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
The initial problem was that DXL Attributes was not being brought over during REQIF imports from DOORS This is very important to us because we need to bring over the Original DOORS id (this is the Customer ID which needs to be maintained). This worked in earlier versions but was broke and fixed in DOORS
We had already imported into DNG before discovering this problem. Now when we try to import to DNG from DOORS to update our requirements artifacts we get the errors attached. The errors seems to be around URIs for certain System Attributes. (See Attachment) In my investigation I found that in DOORS these attributes have default URIs and in DOORS they do not. I tried changing either one to match the other value but got message from both DNG and DOORS that this not allow since these are reserved URIs. An Example: [] to [].  See Error below:

Report for import of ReqIF Package: https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/reqif/_o3kwk01tEeS2N8zLCA--1A
Generated on October 6, 2014 10:32:20 AM CDT

    Errors importing types.
Attribute Definitions
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xWVMS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to [].
Name    ReqIF.ForeignModifiedOn
ReqIF ID    _a49ed772-153a-4bb9-a26e-ce6d6eaccbe4_LASTMODIFIEDON
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xWVMS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xzBIS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to [].
Name    ReqIF.ForeignID
ReqIF ID    _a49ed772-153a-4bb9-a26e-ce6d6eaccbe4_ABSOLUTENUMBER
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xzBIS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_60xcpC4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to [].
Name    ReqIF.ForeignCreatedOn
ReqIF ID    _a49ed772-153a-4bb9-a26e-ce6d6eaccbe4_CREATEDON
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_60xcpC4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xWVMS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to [].
Name    ReqIF.ForeignModifiedOn
ReqIF ID    _a49ed772-153a-4bb9-a26e-ce6d6eaccbe4_LASTMODIFIEDON-DOORS-MODULE
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6xWVMS4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6yZeIy4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to []. CRRRS8601E You cannot change [] to [https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_phHRoy4EEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q].
Name    ReqIF.Name
ReqIF ID    _087b93f9-c9d7-45b2-bf16-8d8dac0fe664_NAME-DOORS-MODULE
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_6yZeIy4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q
    Failed to update resource https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_60xcpC4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q; status received = 403.: CRRRS8600E You cannot change [] from [] to [].
Name    ReqIF.ForeignCreatedOn
ReqIF ID    _a49ed772-153a-4bb9-a26e-ce6d6eaccbe4_CREATEDON-DOORS-MODULE
URI    https://ptcpasaccbuild1:9443/rm/types/_60xcpC4CEeSZeMxu2zrj3Q

3 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Oct 06 '14, 2:07 p.m.
Brad, you might find that the fastest path to resolution would be via a support ticket (PMR), since this is a fairly unique circumstance.

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Luis Silva (2557) | answered Feb 03 '16, 11:37 a.m.

I'm currently having similar difficulties. I know it's an old post but could you point me to any usefull information to deal with this problem?


Paul Ellis commented Feb 03 '16, 1:00 p.m.

Hi Luis,

I thought I'd add to what Norman has posted below.

You may wish to read DOORS 9 to DNG migration article that was published recently.
The issue mentioned here above seems to be an APAR mentioned in defect 90227

However, if you are able to contact IBM Support, we can verify it more easily through the Service Request/Problem Management Record system.

Kind regards,

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Norman Dignard (356694176) | answered Feb 03 '16, 12:45 p.m.

As for the original doors id, you will need to create a legacy id field in DOORS and copy ID values to it via some DXL.

You will then need a view that displays this legacy id for the reqif export.

As for some behavior differences - you need to spec the same uri's for all the attributes in JAZz and DOORS as I understand it otherwise they don't import into JAZZ correctly.

We also noted a problem in  the JAZZ import of a DOORS generated reqif . The root cause being that the doors exports differ based on how the DOORS db was created. In our case we were importing a suppliers DOORS db data into our DOORS instance to push to JAZZ. The supplier provided us a reqif file as well as a DOORS DPA. From our DOORS we then generated a reqif to import to JAZZ.  The JAZZ imports differed based on how the DOORs db was initiated.   


Norman Dignard commented Feb 03 '16, 12:45 p.m.

I raised this as a issue to IBM

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