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Import requirements from Word document including requirements attributes

Donat Hutter (2153539) | asked Sep 02 '14, 3:05 a.m.
In DOORS NG version 5, I'm looking for a capability to import requirements from a Word document (to preserve formatting and include images) including requirement attributes as possible in a CSV import.
The attributes are adjacent to the requirement either in a table containing the attribute names and the values or as tagged paragraphs (like "Priority: high").

Is there an option to achieve this, or do I have to set all requirement attributes manually after the import? Any idea or workaround is appreciated.

4 answers

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w h (191824) | answered Nov 18 '15, 3:41 p.m.
Also looking to see if this is possible.  From what I can tell you can only create Artifacts from a Word document import, and cannot set any attributes on those Artifacts.

Donat Hutter commented Nov 19 '15, 3:37 a.m.

you might comment/support the related DNG Enhancement 102150

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Luis Silva (2557) | answered Jan 27 '16, 11:42 a.m.
 Have you currently found a workaround for this issue?


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Donat Hutter (2153539) | answered Jan 28 '16, 1:16 a.m.
First I have logged an enhancement request: Enahncement 102150 (but no activity on it so far).

I use currently the following 4 step workaround with the new CSV import capability to update requirements, available since v6.0.1
  1. Import requirements from Word (make sure you have some unique identifier/prefix in the name).
  2. Export the imported list of requirements to CSV to get all the artifact identifiers.
  3. Adding the attributes (or merging them through Excel functionality VLOOKUP) to this CSV file
  4. Import this CSV (since V6.0 the round trip capability is supported by DNG; before I used my own extensibility script)

Another option I use in some cases (was my learning how to use client side extensions in DNG):

  • through Word macro processing attributes have been added to the requirements text in special format [%attribute=value].
  • after the import I use a Client Extensibility Script of DNG to search and transfer such entries to appropriate attributes (has limitations, and is pretty slow)

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Luis Silva (2557) | answered Jan 28 '16, 4:53 a.m.
Thank you so much for the answer. 

It is unfortunate that there is no direct way to do this from word doc but your workaround seems to get the job done. 

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