Any pointer where to look for the cause of "NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - https://..." when creating a new WI of a specific type ?

- Dropdowns no longer expand into enumerations
- Most fields got a red circled Xmark
"NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - https://<RTCserver:port>/ccm/service/"
[object Object]
_6()?includ...e=en-us (line 2485)
_6()?includ...e=en-us (line 6183)
_13()?includ...e=en-us (line 6198)
"NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - https://<RTCserver:port>/ccm/service/"
[object Object]
_6()?includ...e=en-us (line 2485)
_6()?includ...e=en-us (line 6183)
_13()?includ...e=en-us (line 6198)
Accepted answer

The offending URI is 11000+ in length, way more than the default header size (8192) configured for the bundled Tomcat server. To overcome this, change the parameter and restart Tomcat.
<Connector port="9443"If this approach also works for you, you can investigate further down the track to get all the other answers.

Thx Don,

We have passed the testing of Tomcat maxHttpHeaderSize to SWAT to avoid RFC (yes, even on TEST env). However we traced the offending (11046 chars) URI to a tab (Tracking) on the form and have tried to remove enough sections from the tab to reduce the URI to 8066 then 7658 respectively, to circumvent the RFC process in testing your suggestion. Though the URI is less than 8192, it still did not work. Removing this tab entirely would work, as SWAT first recommended. However this solution is hard to swallow, as it requires reconstructing the tab by re-adding the sections back in while leaving several sections with miss-configured boolean fields, which can easily be re-configured, out,

I am surprised to hear that a URI which is 7658 in length still does not work. Are you certain that the issue is still the same, as in, Tomcat rejects the request? With the ccm.log file, you should be able to see whether the request has been passed on to the CCM application. If it is now CCM rejecting the request, that's another story.

@Don: Yes, it is the same 400 Bad Request from Tomcat, with similar infos in the URI, minus fields (or attributes ?) removed from the tab. There are exactly the same number of same URIs/lines up to last one as on the Firebug report for the case with the tab removed, except for the additional line with the error. There seem to be something with this tab that Tomcat does not like.,,, This was never posted since this morning ... Now have better new in the following post.

SWAT has come back and confirmed that increasing Tomcat maxHttpHeaderSize worked. So we are going to submit RFC to start on TEST then move to PRD. Still puzzled as Tomcat maxHttpHeaderSize is explicitly set to 8192 on both 4.0.3 and 4.0.6, yet we did not run into the issue on 4.0.3.

BTW Do we set to higher value all 3 instances of maxHttpHeaderSize found in:

In my environment, I only need to change one place - line 108 in your case, where the connector is for port 9443. The connector for 9080 by default is redirected to 9443 and I don't see the maxHttpHeaderSize parameter would have any effect. Interestingly I only see the parameter maxHttpHeaderSize once in my default Tomcat configuration. Also check whether some connectors are actually commented out (wrapped by <!-- -->)
The default Tomcat configuration in CLM only defines three ports - 9080 (for HTTP, which redirects to 9443), 9443 (for HTTPS) and 9009 (for AJP, think of a gateway to send commands to Tomcat).

Thx Don: That was quick !

We have confirmed this workaround on our TEST env. However SWAT still investigate for the root cause, as Tomcat is configured same on 4.0.3 and 4.0.6 yet the one tab with too many fields/attibutes (11046 chars > 8192 configured header) worked on 4.0.3 and get caught by 4.0.6. Also our attempts to reduce sections of the offending tab to bring the request URI to less than 8192 did not corroborate

@Don: You may be interested in looking at Defect 334472 (with APAR PI27659 created but not yet published).

Thanks for the link. It's a nice read and the solution of using POST to get all the attributes is what I have anticipated. Now I know why the problem did not appear with CLM 4.0.3.
One other answer


Thx Eric,
Oct 02 '14, 11:49 p.m.long TRUONG
Oct 17 '14, 2:29 p.m.The issues described in Jazz Forum question 163394 are the direct results/symptoms of Batching of all fetch value set calls (Task 281676), introduced in 4.0.5, which is making a single HTTP GET request longer than the default 8192 Tomcat header size: Defect 334472 with APAR PI27659 created but not yet published. Workaround in right answer.