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Any idea why stopping Tomcat almost always hang ?

long TRUONG (3654123147) | asked Oct 26 '14, 11:21 p.m.
RTC/RRC 4.0.6, all (JTS/RTC/RRC) on one server host. Windows/Tomcat

Whenever we try to shut down or restart Tomcat7, stopping would most likely fail and Tomcat hangs, we cannot start of stop Tomcat and have to reboot the server host. Anyone has run into the same issue, and found an answer ?

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 27 '14, 1:45 a.m.
It seems that when you ask Tomcat to stop gracefully, it does not behave so gracefully. In my experience (on Linux and lightly used though), sometimes I have to wait more than 10 minutes for Tomcat to stop by itself. I guess it all depends what threads are running when the stop command is issued - some threads react quickly and some thread get stuck.
Apparently you can use "-force" on Linux and the script will call the "kill" command when the set timeout is reached. On Windows, you will need to implement similar approach by yourself.

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Daniel Vaganek (7358) | answered Mar 18 '15, 10:55 a.m.
I have this issue as well.  Seems to occur when the memory is maxed out.
What I do is open task manager and kill the process.
Seems to work.

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