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Rational Composer Question

Chris Oriwol (611) | asked Oct 01 '14, 12:28 p.m.

I just started using Rational Composer 4.0.

Is there a way to save a "custom" view as the default view? if so, how?

Thank you


One answer

permanent link
Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Oct 01 '14, 12:58 p.m.
Hi Chris,

There's no concept of a default view.  When you first access a project, you're brought to the "filter by folder" section which shows an unfiltered list of artifacts.  From there you can click on a custom view.  You can also click the context menu on the view and select "Show Permalink", which will give you the URL for the view.  So while there's no concept of default view, you can bookmark the permalink for your views and use those links to access the application instead of hitting the default URL (rm/web).  If that's not enough I would suggest creating an enhancement.  Hope it helps,

Jianoula Papadakis Kantos commented Oct 01 '14, 1:11 p.m.

Thanks for the tip Benjamin. I like it!

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