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Create Table while running JTS Set Up Error CRJAZ1571E

3 answers

The error in the "Caused By" section of the error seems to indicate a permissions problem when creating the tablespace. Are you sure this user is a member of the db2admins group and has been granted dba permissions to the database? Try the commands below (substituting <db name> for your actual database name).
db2 connect to <db name>
db2 grant dbadm on database to user RTCADMNT
db2 disconnect <db name>
db2 connect to <db name>
db2 grant dbadm on database to user RTCADMNT
db2 disconnect <db name>

The error can also occur when the specified DB2 server does not yet have folders created for "content_tablespace".
When I track down the recipe for creating those folders in the proper locations with the right ownership and permissions, I will reply here to advise what are the missing steps.
For now, I see the same error and only know that I never configured any "content_tablespace" folders on the new DB2 server intended for use with Jazz.

Kevin's reply is very helpful.
With the db2 commands, I can see where DB2 is storing the databases (although "find / -type d -name "db2inst1" is also informative) and I can see how it forms the tablespace containers from that default database path prefix.
What is not helpful is IBM's choice for content for their teamserver.properties comments that are disabled. There are better conventions for indicating that some sequence of strings is meant to be substituted with a real value.
For example:
com.ibm.team.repository.db.db2.content.tablespace.location=<Your path from
A line like that would be much more indicative of how to use the property.
db2 list tablespace containers for <#>
A line like that would be much more indicative of how to use the property.

The location for the tablespace containers should be owned by the DB2 instance ID. If a relative path is used then containers are placed relative to the value of DFTBPATH that is in the db2 admin configuration ( db2 get dbm cfg ).
Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /db2/data3
As I recall, the teamserver.properties is used to define the initial name and size ( in pages ) of the contentts tablespace.
Only the folders need to exist, with ownership of the instance ID. Following the above example this is the container for contentts on one of my many RTC setups:
db2 list tablespace containers for 3
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
Container ID = 0
Name = /db2/data3/rtcdb7/contentts/c1.dbf
Type = File
$ id
uid=215(rtcinst2) gid=206(rtcinst2) groups=217(dasadm)
$ ls -l /db2/data3
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Oct 15 2011 RTCDB
drwx------ 2 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 May 17 2012 backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Oct 15 2011 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Feb 18 2012 rtcdb15
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Nov 12 2011 rtcdb17
drwxr-xr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Feb 18 2012 rtcdb6
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Nov 12 2011 rtcdb7
This requirement is ONLY for the initial population of the database as I've added containers to many of our databases.
Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /db2/data3
As I recall, the teamserver.properties is used to define the initial name and size ( in pages ) of the contentts tablespace.
Only the folders need to exist, with ownership of the instance ID. Following the above example this is the container for contentts on one of my many RTC setups:
db2 list tablespace containers for 3
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
Container ID = 0
Name = /db2/data3/rtcdb7/contentts/c1.dbf
Type = File
$ id
uid=215(rtcinst2) gid=206(rtcinst2) groups=217(dasadm)
$ ls -l /db2/data3
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Oct 15 2011 RTCDB
drwx------ 2 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 May 17 2012 backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Oct 15 2011 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Feb 18 2012 rtcdb15
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Nov 12 2011 rtcdb17
drwxr-xr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Feb 18 2012 rtcdb6
drwxrwxr-x 4 rtcinst2 rtcinst2 256 Nov 12 2011 rtcdb7
This requirement is ONLY for the initial population of the database as I've added containers to many of our databases.