Where can I find the com.ibm.rational.rpe.common library?
Hello everybody,
I am trying to set up working the Rational Publishing Engine Java API under a Rational Team Concert project that generates reports from Rational DOORS Next Generation.
I followed the instructions from the tutorial https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS6RHZ_1.2.0/com.ibm.rational.pe.api.doc/topics/c_api.html
and I want now to call methods included in the com.ibm.rational.rpe.common package, like AppUtils.setProductHome, or creating new Credential from user_ID and user_password.
The problem is, after importing the JAR files from RPE_HOME/lib to RTC I am able to see just the following libraries (also updated the classpath of the project):
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.api.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.api.docgen.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.api.docgen.job.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.doors.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.doors.resources.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.engine.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.engine.core.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.examples.
- com.ibm.rational.rpe.examples.docgen.*
The question is: Why am I not able to see the com.ibm.rational.rpe.common package utilities?
Am I missing something?
Some useful information:
- OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
- RPE version is 2.1.1
- RPE_HOME is set to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Rational\Publishing Engine
- Copied the JAR files present in RPE_HOME\lib to RTC project and updated classpath
- rcl_telelogic.dll and librcl_telelogic.so were also copied into project root folder and added to build path
- JRE version is 1.8.0_111, JDK version is 1.8.0_111
- RPE_HOME\config and RPE_HOME\utils exist and contain correct files
- RTC version is 6.0.2
I had a look into the SampleDocgen example included in RPE_HOME\lib\api\examples and thought I should be able to use the same imported libraries as there after getting the JAR files, am I right?
Hope someone can help, thanks in advance!
Accepted answer
One other answer
Hi Ruben,
You should find
- most of the libraries under RPE_HOME\lib.
- some missing or updated libraries under "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\IMShared\plugins" like com.ibm.rational.rrdg.core_2.1.1.v20161114_0525.jar.
- examples under RPE_HOME\lib\api\examples
See example here https://rpeactual.com/2013/11/21/rpe-java-api-example-built-for-1-2-1/