How to list when users has loggod on to CLM projects and using which role
2 answers
There are license tools that I have seen that allow to see which license a user has used. Besides that, the user does not log into a project. The user logs into the whole repository and could use resources in multiple products and project areas. A user can also have multiple roles with an order of priority. I doubt there is anything that logs all this. From a performance perspective all this logging would be a huge drain on the system resources.
RTC provides RSS feeds for various activities that you could probably read to get quite a lot of activity information, but probably not all you want.
RTC provides RSS feeds for various activities that you could probably read to get quite a lot of activity information, but probably not all you want.
You would need multiple controls. For instance, to check when users has logged in to CLM, you do need to activate an access log at the application server layer (websphere or tomcat). If you are using token licenses, you can use a License report tool to check the license usage. If you are using Floating license, you can follow the license usage.
Other ways are
Using REST:
If you prepare your own report:
- We do not keep role information on our DW:
- Team members can be collected from the table LIVE_CONTRIBUTOR
- Sample mentioned in a blog
- You can provide a list dump using Eclipse
Other ways are
Using REST:
If you prepare your own report:
- We do not keep role information on our DW:
- Team members can be collected from the table LIVE_CONTRIBUTOR
- Sample mentioned in a blog
- You can provide a list dump using Eclipse