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SMTPAddressFailedException thus can't sent mail

Martin Erzberger (131199) | asked May 07 '09, 4:51 a.m.
Hello all

Shortly after having enabled e-mail I received a mail from the Team Concert Server notifying me that the trial license will expire soon. So it appears that e-mail works at least in some cases.

1. When I try to send a team invitation I get an exception (in the form of a pop-up on the client, and in the stdout log on the server):
class com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 550 5.7.0 <xxxx>... Not authorized
(I anonymized the mail address, the real e-mail address in the log is valid, of course).

2. When I enable the "startttls"-property I get a certificate chain error, so this doesn't work either.

3. When I right-click on a user and choose "Send Mail" I get a pop-up with this info: Error running operation 'Composing Mail' Expected scheme-specific part at index 7: mailto:
On the server, this pop-up is not reflected in any log file, so it might be a client side problem.

Any ideas on what is wrong with my setup?

RTC is both server and client side (client is actually RSA 7.5.2).

Thanks! Martin

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permanent link
Martin Erzberger (131199) | answered May 11 '09, 3:22 a.m.
Hello again

To follow-up my own question: It appears that RTC puts my own e-mail address into the "from:" field if I am the cause of the e-mail being sent (e.g. if I send a team invitation).

We have a restriction on our smtp server in that machines (such as the RTC server) can only send mail "from:" a specific, named account.

In order for e-mail to work at our site, we'd need RTC to stick to the value specified in the "E-mail From Address" configuration field. "Reply-to" could be used to redirect e-mail answers to the user.

--> Is this somehow configurable?

Thanks ans regards, Martin

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