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Error while installing RTC 5.0 though command line (silent)

Narasimha Devarapalli (1211010) | asked Sep 18 '14, 9:53 a.m.

 Hi Team,

I tried to install RTC 5.0 through silent mode.I've used the below command to install

./userinstc -acceptLicense -dataLocation /tmp/silent-install/data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-server.xml

which gave me below response,

ERROR: The package specified in the /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml file cannot be found.

ERROR: The package specified in the /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml file cannot be found.

ERROR: The package specified in the /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml file cannot be found.

ERROR: The package specified in the /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml file cannot be found.

ERROR: The package specified in the /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml file cannot be found.

I've given repository path in silent-install-server.xml as /root/Software/CLM5.0/CLM-Web-Installer-Linux-5.0/im/linux.gtk.x86_64 where repository.config file locates.

Please help me here to resolve this issue.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 18 '14, 8:17 p.m.
If the package name tells anything, you have downloaded the Web Installer package which is not meant for silent installation. You need the complete package
Narasimha Devarapalli selected this answer as the correct answer

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