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RRC Feature Icon symbol missing, displaying as '?'

Darryl Dortch (124) | asked Sep 11 '14, 4:13 p.m.
edited Sep 11 '14, 4:19 p.m.

A portion of artifacts in  a Requirement Composer project (4.0.5) has missing icons, and they are displaying a ‘?’ as the new icon symbol. It appears that only the artifacts in this particular folder are having issues. I’m also noticing that the artifact type attribute is missing and I’m not able to edit them at all. My question is, has anyone in the community ever seen this happen? What does the ‘?’ icon mean? Any additional insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Darryl Dortch

2 answers

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Mike Jaworski (1.4k6) | answered Sep 11 '14, 4:25 p.m.
edited Sep 11 '14, 4:26 p.m.

That's not great ... We've seen cases like this come across Support in the past, and it usually means something has gotten messed up in the project's type system. As an initial test, there is a command you can issue from the browser window which can refresh the type system cache, and it could possibly help the situation a bit (filling in the appropriate values for [host] and [projectAreaURL]): https://[host]/rm/types?resourceContext=[projectAreaURL]&refreshTypeFeedCacheFromJFS=true&accept=*&private=true

Could you also try to look through the RM application log file (rm.log) and see if there are any exception stack traces which better pinpoint the root cause? If there is nothing fruitful in the logs, and the browser command does not help the situation at all, then I would suggest that you open a PMR through Rational Support in order to allow us to collect more information and attempt a better diagnosis. 

Hope this helps,
Mike Jaworski

Donald Nong commented Sep 11 '14, 9:44 p.m.

I have seen a similar case where the cause was different. In that case, the icons for a particular artifact type are missing and it turned out that those *.gif files were missing from the server. Firebug could easily verify this (you could see HTTP 404 error when accessing those icons). Uploading those icons/images back resolved the issue. Hopefully this case is not as bad as you thought.

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Darryl Dortch (124) | answered Sep 24 '14, 5:03 p.m.
edited Sep 24 '14, 5:07 p.m.

Hi Michael,


I just wanted to thank you for your quick response the other day. I did try running the command you suggested and it didn't really help me in regards to this scenario. I ultimately had to open a PMR. After working with our BAs I found out that these artifacts were imported incorrectly from the beginning and all 600 plus artifacts have never been modified (Other than associating multiple tags). We have implemented a work around by exporting them into a CVS (after creating a view), then modifying the attribute type in the csv file to ensure that it displays correctly when imported into a new folder location. This work around was successful and the artifacts are working again. Now our only issue is deleting the 600 plus corrupt artifacts. We are limited by the fact that we can't edit them. My thought is to delete the folder where these artifacts reside and I'm hope by selecting delete folder it will allow me to delete all of its content, that this will remove all of them.

Thanks a Million,

Darryl Dortch Jr

Mike Jaworski commented Sep 24 '14, 8:44 p.m.

Hi Darryl,

Yes, provided that all of the "invalid" artifacts are located in the same folder, deleting that folder should also recursively delete all of the child artifacts and folders. Glad you got this figured out!


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