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RTC 3.0 Web Query and Print Preivew/CSV Estimate time format doesn't match

michael entler (171327) | asked Sep 10 '14, 6:30 p.m.

Is there a way to change format the Estimated time value for CSV or print?

Qhen you do a query  Estimated  value shows up as hours, and the print preview shows hours days and weeks, but these appear to be text values, so that changing the formatting of the cell doesn't help.

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Sep 11 '14, 8:40 a.m.
This is an issue fixed in RTC v3.5.
Please see work item comment 5. is using RTC 5.0.2 M1, which show in hours for estimate time in both work item query and csv export result.

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