Build Forge Build Engine Test Connection failing
I entered my credentials (the same I use to successfully log into the Build Forge web client) in the Build Forge Authentication section on the Build Forge Build Engine tab but, when I Test Connection, I get the following:
SSL port:
Testing, please wait...
Result: Failed. A exception occurred testing the connection. Verify the host and port specified, make sure the Build Forge server is running and retry the connection test. The logs should have more detailed information about the exception.
Client closed connection during handshake
Non-SSL port:
Testing, please wait...
Result: Failed. A exception occurred testing the connection. Verify the user id and password specified and retry. The logs should have more detailed information about the exception.
Message[uuid=null, timestamp=1390592470, userUuid=, processId=0, severity=ERROR, type=, componentUuid=null, messageKey=APILoginFailed, indirectionMask=0, args={}]
The ccm.log file on the Jazz server indicates: "Error finding Build Forge SSL configuration files" at the absolute paths I specified in the bfclient.conf files, although the paths are correct and the files are there.
Does anyone know what I may be missing in my configuration?
Thanks for any guidance.
2 answers
Thanks for the post. I had followed the help topic you mentioned to originally create the build engine, associated dirs, and request files from my BF Admin. After reading it again, the following jumps out at me:
"The user name and password must already be configured in Build Forge and be dedicated to this Rational Team Concert instance. Do not use the same user name to authenticate to Build Forge from any other system, or the user experiences session conflicts."
As I say, I am able to authenticate with my user id and password via the BF web client, and these are the same credentials I'm supplying to the build engine. Now I'm wondering if I'm experiencing the "conflict" mentioned in the help topic--although I am neither attempting to connect to BF from JAZZ and the web client simultaneously, nor from any other system.
I believe my next question is: How does one create a user ID in BF that is" dedicated to this Rational Team Concert instance?"
Thanks again for any further guidance.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the reply, and for correctly re-tagging this thread.
To answer your question: Yes, my dir structure is BF-HOSTNAME_BF-PORT. I think I may be hitting the server but failing on authentication--unless I'm reading the error message(s) incorrectly.
Does it work when you don't have the SSL option in the RTC BF build engine turned on? The "Error finding Build Forge SSL configuration files" really is specific to the SSL setup and directory layout, and doesn't indicate incorrect credentials. In the code, I missed this earlier, but it does require either the .p12 or .jks file to exist as a sibling of the bfclient.conf file.
I have tried both with/without SSL, and neither works. (I do have BF-HOSTNAME_BF_PORT dirs for both SSL and non-SSL.) I also have the bf.conf and .p12 files in those dirs, with absolute paths to the .p12 files..
Q: When you say "the .p12 ... file to exist as a sibling of the bfclient.conf file," does that imply that the .p12 files should be in a dir under the dir the bf.conf file is in? I have the .p12 files in the same dir as the bf.conf.
No, bfclient.conf and .p12 etc should be in the same dir, under {BF-HOSTNAME}_{BF-PORT}
Non-SSL port test results:
Testing, please wait...
Result: Failed. A exception occurred testing the connection. Verify the user id and password specified and retry. The logs should have more detailed information about the exception.
Message[uuid=null, timestamp=1390592470, userUuid=, processId=0, severity=ERROR, type=, componentUuid=null, messageKey=APILoginFailed, indirectionMask=0, args={}]
Is there anything in the RTC server log for the non-SSL test?