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Can't start Jazz Build Engine

Andrey Kulpanovich (471411) | asked Apr 11 '13, 3:19 p.m.
 I run command in Windows cmd to start build engine for Money that Matters sample project:
jbe -vm jdk\bin\java -repository https://.....:9443/ccm -userID build -pass build engineID 
I get error CRRTC3521W - the build engine is not in the repository or it can't be accessed with user "build". The Id of the build engine is "default"
I made sure:
1) the engine exist in Build Engines folder in Eclipse Client under proper project
2) build user has license RTC - build systems
 Can you help to figure out what's wrong?

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Andrey Kulpanovich (471411) | answered Apr 11 '13, 3:31 p.m.
 I found solution. Typo in -engineID (missing "-").

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