How Can I Control the Order of Available Reports Presented from RDNG?

When you launch a report from RDNG (AKA RRC, AKA RM), a dialog displays a list showing the available reports from which you can choose. You can see a screenshot of this here under section 6.2.
Is there a way to control the order in which those reports are displayed? I had initially hoped that the Manifest file governed the order. However, that doesn't appear to be the case. The reports are also not listed in alphabetical order. Is there some other way of controlling this?
Accepted answer

Hi Nate,
We actually received a request for this functionality earlier this year, so this should be addressed in the 5.0 release under work item Publish Service Initialization should maintain the templateLibrary order as it appears in the template Manifest (85275). I believe once you modify the Manifest, you'll need to execute https://[host]/rm/publish/initialize via your browser in order for the Manifest changes to take effect.
Hope this helps,
Mike Jaworski