Is it possible to link a pre-requisite test case to a test for execution?
There is option in HP QC where you can call the one test from another.The called Test case will be executed first and status of called test case will be updated in design step.
If you click on any test case , On the right hand side window select the design tests tab and you will see an option call to test(Ctrl + L) . Here you can link another test case.
But where could I find the same option in RQM ?
2 answers
ok but here my problem is i want to execute particular test case in between an step of another test case
I'm not sure why you'd want to do that.
Each Test Case (regardless of tool) should validate a behaviour and ensure that behaviour is treated properly by the system. If you're referencing another Test in the middle of an execution, it seems to me that you'd be taking focus away from the behaviour you intended to verify on your original test.
For end-to-end testing, I'd use a Test Suite, like mentioned, and structure the Test Cases within the Suite to have a unique goal, each validating a portion of the solution to achieve the E2E.