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torubleshooting rationa team concert data collection job failure

It is possible to find or investigate what attribute or workitem create the error on ccm etl job log and the workitems data collection job failure? Is there any other logs file that I can check?
Where can I try to find this wrong value? "22555555555555556" Tables? log files?
Many thanks for any suggestions.
the abstrat of ccm etc log file is:
2014-09-01 01:21:35,452 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-0 @@ 00:02] DEBUG e.workitem.internal.WorkItemsRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Started Build WorkItemHisCustomAttr at 9/1/14 1:21 AM***
2014-09-01 01:21:42,455 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-0 @@ 00:02] ERROR e.workitem.internal.WorkItemsRemoteSnapshotService - [jcc][t4][1037][11190][4.14.121] Exception occurred during BigDecimal conversion. See attached Throwable for details. ERRORCODE=-4220, SQLSTATE=null
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlException: [jcc][t4][1037][11190][4.14.121] Exception occurred during BigDecimal conversion. See attached Throwable for details. ERRORCODE=-4220, SQLSTATE=null
at com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.ed.a(ed.java:661)
at com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.ed.a(ed.java:60)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:769)
Caused by: com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.ConversionException: [jcc][converters][608][10994]Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion of "22555555555555556".
at com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.d.a(d.java:61)
at com.ibm.db2.jcc.t4.db.a(db.java:1822)
... 77 more
2014-09-01 01:21:51,833 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-0 @@ 00:02] DEBUG e.workitem.internal.WorkItemsRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Selected: 4111
2 answers

Please open the Jazz Inst. Dir.\server\conf\ccm\log4j.properties file.
There is a section on ETL jobs, please follow the instructions there to enable additional logging.
To enable logging without restarting the CCM server, please visit the following page in your browser:
https://<rtc_server_name>:<port>/ccm/admin?internal#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.reloadLoggingSettings and click on the button
Now when you run the ETL jobs you will have an additional log file ccm-etl-driver.log with more low-level information.
If this is not enough information to solve your problem, please open a support ticket.

JobStream 'CLM4.0.1_All'
JobStream 'RTC_ODS4.0.1_DeltaLoad'
JobStream 'RTC_ODS4.0.1'
JobStream 'RTC_Workitem4.0.1'
JobStream 'RTC_WorkitemCustomAttribute'
Build 'RTC_CustomAttr3'
[PROGRESS - 23:32:13] Fact Build 'RTC_CustomAttr3'
[PROGRESS - 23:32:13] Parsing Reference Definition
[PROGRESS - 23:32:13] Validating Build Specification
[PROGRESS - 23:32:21] Checking Fact Data existence
DM-DBM-0400 UDA driver reported the following on connection RTC Work Item:
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "fetch".
CRRRE9000E : Erreur Java interne, consultez le fichier ri_jdbc.log pour plus de détails
[PROGRESS - 23:32:49] Build 'RTC_CustomAttr3' Failed
databuild -- failed (28-Oct-2014 23:32:49)
From information given above i need to find i need get ccm-etl-driver.log
To be sure which all lines to be uncommented and commented from below line
# ETL's #
#Turn off Rational XML JDBC driver logging by default. This is only needed for troubleshooting the ETLs
#Comment the above 2 lines and uncomment the lines below to turn on logging
#log4j.logger.com.ibm.rational.drivers.jdbc.xml=INFO, etlDriver
#log4j.logger.com.ibm.rational.etl=INFO, etlDriver
#log4j.appender.etlDriver.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%30t] %5p %-50.50c - %m%n
Thanks for your help in advance
Rhishikesh Patil