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What is a "local workspace" in RTC?

3 answers

The local workspace is another name for the sandbox. This would contain the actual files you would work on that you specify from your repository workspace. If you see the option to "load local workspace" while you are creating a new repository workspace, it means that after creating the repository workspace, the files are going to be copied over into the local workspace, or sandbox.
Any changes in the local workspace from that point will show up as Unresolved in the Pending Changes view, because the repository workspace will have no knowledge of these changes. To make the repository workspace aware, you check in those changes into a change set.

The term "local workspace" should never be used ... in some of the documentation of older versions of RTC, it was used as a synonym for "sandbox", but in the documentation for the current version of RTC, you should no longer see the term "local workspace" used anywhere (and if it is used, it is a bug ... please report the occurrence so it can be fixed).