RTC Plan : Default Workitem type

Accepted answer

Hi Tom,
I don't know of a similar pop-up in the web client GUI, but there is a way to do this. The default WI type is the first one in the list of WI types in the Process Configuration. If you edit the Process Configuration Source to put a different WI type at the top of the list, and restart your web client session, then the default action in the web client will be to create that type of WI.
The procedure was described for an older release here https://jazz.net/forum/questions/25223/how-to-set-a-default-work-item-type-for-web-ui and I've verified it still works in RTC 4.0.3.
I don't know of a similar pop-up in the web client GUI, but there is a way to do this. The default WI type is the first one in the list of WI types in the Process Configuration. If you edit the Process Configuration Source to put a different WI type at the top of the list, and restart your web client session, then the default action in the web client will be to create that type of WI.
The procedure was described for an older release here https://jazz.net/forum/questions/25223/how-to-set-a-default-work-item-type-for-web-ui and I've verified it still works in RTC 4.0.3.