Is this really a id/password issue
Received an issue about the RQM Execution from one of our QM users:
Customer insists the correct credentials are being used. We just upgraded from 4.0.5 to 4.0.7 and migrated to WebSphere 8.5. SSL Certificate is the same that was active when Tomcat was the application server.
I don't see much in the wiki with respect to the above.
The test case execution by command line stop working after the RQM 4.0.7 installation. I have some scripts that start the test case executions by command line and now I getting the following error.
command: "C:/Program Files/IBM/Java60/bin/java" -jar RQMExecutionTool.jar -tserId=13716 -projectName="Maximo Service Provider" -publicURI=https://rqmmax:9443/jazz/ -user=<USERID> -password=<PASSWORD> -exitOnComplete=true -printResultUrl=true -variables="mxe.url:''"
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context
18/08/2014 16:36:32 logInfo
INFO: Successfully created an HTTP client
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context
18/08/2014 16:36:37 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector isRedirectN
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
18/08/2014 16:36:38 executeCommands
SEVERE: Failed to connect to RQM Server
18/08/2014 16:36:38 logError
SEVERE: Login failed. Either username or password is wrong.
I am using the Rational Quality Manager Execution Tool from 4.0.7.
Customer insists the correct credentials are being used. We just upgraded from 4.0.5 to 4.0.7 and migrated to WebSphere 8.5. SSL Certificate is the same that was active when Tomcat was the application server.
I don't see much in the wiki with respect to the above.
One answer
That error can be misleading. I tried to help clear it up a bit via Command Line adapter gives poor error message when required params are missing. Also the message strings are not externalized (112616). But that fix is later than 4.0.7.
Looking at your example, you're using -projectName as an arg. That should be -projectArea. That's your issue.
John Nason
QM Development
Looking at your example, you're using -projectName as an arg. That should be -projectArea. That's your issue.
John Nason
QM Development
Donald Nong
Aug 20 '14, 3:26 a.m.Note that the first SEVERE error is
Kevin Ramer
Aug 20 '14, 9:56 a.m.I understand about the certificate trust, as I use an OSLC library that i must have a keystore with the ssl keys of the jazz server I want to point the OSLC toward.
I have a small 'certificate loader' I may share with the user so that the SSL certs from the qm server can be added to his jre/lib/cacerts.
Kevin Ramer
Aug 20 '14, 4:26 p.m.Response from user is that the value of -publicURI should not end with the / character.
All is well.