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How to display Excution Result in user understandable(Expected and actual result) form while running RFT scripts from RQM

Sowmya Rao (1319) | asked Feb 15 '16, 9:29 a.m.
I am able to run the TCs in RQM by using RFT scripts, got the Test case excution result in RQM in the below format shown in the figure.. but the requirement is to display the result of automation in User understandable form i.e (containing expected and actual result )

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Feb 15 '16, 9:16 p.m.
Hi, Sowmya

If you want to have expected result and actual result for RFT script, you will need to have verification point in the RFT script. All other statements without verification points will only be shown the actual result(pass or failed etc) for the statement. For example, the statement is "Start Application xxxx", if the playback executed that statement and the application is started, it will give "passed" to that statement only. Even though Expected result and Actual result do not
have any info, it does mean by the statement itself that Expected result is "start application xxx" and the Actual result is
"application xxx was started" hence it is passed. Therefore if there is any objects the users think it is important to have clear expected and actual result for RFT script in RQM playback, they need to insert verification point into the script.

Sowmya Rao commented Feb 16 '16, 9:33 a.m.

Hi Don,

But the requirement is to get the automated test case excution result in the same way as we see the result while doing manually. I tried the VP way, but its not working as per the requirement.

Sowmya Rao commented Feb 16 '16, 9:36 a.m.

Hi Don,
But my requirement is to display the automation test case result in the same way as the result which we get while doing manually. I tried the VP way, but its not working the way as expected.

Don Yang commented Feb 16 '16, 9:03 p.m.

Hi, Sowmya

Automation script(RFT script) has different behavior as what manual script can do(different design). I am not sure what you mean "tried the VP way, but its not working the way as expected.". In my test here, the recorded VP value(or image) will be set in the expected result field, and the playback result of VP will be in the actual result field. This is how it works for RFT script in RQM. you may raise a RFE(enhancement request) for RFT script to work exactly the same as manual script  in RQM but I think it is unlikely it will be considered.

Sowmya Rao commented Feb 17 '16, 10:39 a.m.

Hi Don,

Thanks for your response, I tried using property verification point, but the expected and actual result is displayed as "Refer to Detailed Log", Can u please tell how to customize it.?

Don Yang commented Feb 17 '16, 6:39 p.m.

Property VPs may verify against a lot of properties, I guess that's why it is designed to "referring to detailed log". I don't think there is any way to customize it. If possible, you may use data verification point or image verification instead.

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