Not able to select any value from IBM IAA V17 Combo box in RFT
I am automating my application in Rational Functional Tester (8.2.0) and I am facing following issues with the combo box:
1. Not able to select any value from the combo box.
2. Not able to get the list of all the values of combo box.
I have tried following code in my Application but its giving me an null pointer exception
ITestDataList statusList;
ITestDataElementList statusListElements;
ITestDataElement statusListElement;
java.util.Hashtable ht = list_country().getTestDataTypes();
//Get all elements
statusList = (ITestDataList)list_country().getTestData("list");
statusListElements = statusList.getElements();
int listElemCount = statusList.getElementCount();
for (int i = 0; i < listElemCount; i++){
statusListElement = statusListElements.getElement(i);
Note: I have tried the same code on Rediffmail page and the same piece of code worked fine.
My application is developed using IAA Framework 1.1.7
Please provide me any solution for this.
Rakesh Wani
I am automating my application in Rational Functional Tester (8.2.0) and I am facing following issues with the combo box:
1. Not able to select any value from the combo box.
2. Not able to get the list of all the values of combo box.
I have tried following code in my Application but its giving me an null pointer exception
ITestDataList statusList;
ITestDataElementList statusListElements;
ITestDataElement statusListElement;
java.util.Hashtable ht = list_country().getTestDataTypes();
//Get all elements
statusList = (ITestDataList)list_country().getTestData("list");
statusListElements = statusList.getElements();
int listElemCount = statusList.getElementCount();
for (int i = 0; i < listElemCount; i++){
statusListElement = statusListElements.getElement(i);
Note: I have tried the same code on Rediffmail page and the same piece of code worked fine.
My application is developed using IAA Framework 1.1.7
Please provide me any solution for this.
Rakesh Wani
One answer
Hi, Rakesh. Sorry to hear you are having difficulties with RFT. Unfortunately, this is not the support forum for RFT, so you are not likely to find any help here. Please try your question at the RFT community on developerWorks.