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ReqIF import error

Taly Hotimsky (2714657) | asked Aug 11 '14, 11:06 p.m.
retagged Aug 13 '14, 5:29 a.m. by Paul Ellis (1.3k613)
I've exported two separate ReqIFs from a 4.0.6 server and imported them into a 5.0 with beta CM server.
Both were successful at export, but only partially imported.

The first

- Imported into a brand new PA, created without template (ie. 0 content/configuration)
- Got error below for 5 artifacts
Error importing artifact. 403 Propagated exception; original message [CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL https://labtaly:9443/rm/_14cc1341-7f63-4aee-b56d-217cb5d3aeb8. CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL https://labtaly:9443/rm/_a903b153-9433-48f7-87a2-91090e559b30. CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL https://labtaly:9443/rm/_64e32cc8-8126-408a-9be4-0d805c748a76. CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL https://labtaly:9443/rm/_6b685352-b96c-4596-aa76-f9f9918e5466. CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL https://labtaly:9443/rm/_8b4a6a36-defc-4e58-a930-601eadea1119. ]
Full import report can be seen here

The second
- imported into a Change Set in the PA used before
- Got the error below for 6 artifacts
Error importing artifact. 404 Propagated exception; original message []
Full import report can be seen here

I couldn't find anything useful in the logs to help determine the underlying problem preventing the import to complete successfully (but maybe I didn't look at the right logs).
If it makes any difference, the destination server is a RedHat Enterprise 6.5 running on an OracleVM.

Any pointers to help get this right?

Accepted answer

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Aug 12 '14, 9:47 a.m.
Sounds to me like an issue with the ReqIF.  Are you able to successfully import the same ReqIF to another project on your 4.0.6 server without any issue?  The error is indicating an invalid URL for one of the types (<server>/rm/<attr_id>), but it should be something like <server>/rm/types/<attr_id> instead.  Those URI's are indeed invalid, so I wonder if they exist that way in the ReqIF definition itself, or if the 5.0 server is not reading these definitions properly.  Knowing if this works importing to 4.0.6 would be useful information if possible. 
Taly Hotimsky selected this answer as the correct answer

Taly Hotimsky commented Aug 12 '14, 1:43 p.m.

 Hi Benjamim.

I tired importing on another PA on the same server as the source.
Again, created an empty (no template) PA and tried the import.

The first
- Got error on the same 5 artifacts
- The error message is a bit different this time
Error importing artifact. 403

The second
- Got error on the same 6 artifacts
- The error is the same

As the error is on artifacts (not attributes) I'm not sure whether the url should be rm/types/<attr_id> (resouces/<art_id> seems correct to me).
Also, I double-checked the export report on the source and it doesn't have any errors. 

Benjamin Silverman commented Aug 12 '14, 3:09 p.m.

The error may be happening on creating certain artifacts, but the error itself says

"CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL"

This like means there's a problem with how the artifacts are referencing some of their associated attributes.  We never reference a resource as it is shown in the error (ie - /rm/<id>).  You'll always see references to rm/resources/<id> or rm/types/<id> when dealing with artifacts and types.  I'd suggest contacting support as this seems to be more an issue with the data on the 4.0.6 server.  If you can share the ReqIF and a project template with them, it will help get to the root of the problem.

Taly Hotimsky commented Aug 12 '14, 10:32 p.m.

Hi Benjamim.

I submitted a PMR for it, thanks.
If the root cause/solution is not too specific for my environment, I'll update this post later for reference for others who may be running into the same problem. 

Taly Hotimsky commented Aug 22 '14, 5:21 p.m.

For reference to others running into this same issue.
There was no clear answer regarding what the root cause might be, but the solution was easy enough. Support provided a diagnostic tool that identified and fixed the corrupted elements on my project (which, in turn, were generating a bad ReqIF).

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