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Order of starting WAS(RTC) and Build Engine

Yohko Tanaka (10523239) | asked Aug 07 '14, 10:29 p.m.
I'm trying to start WAS and Build Engine as service.(on Linux)
If Build Engine starts before WAS, exception occurs and the engine doesn't work correctly.
There is a message "Exception occurred in build loop"  in the log.

Even after WAS starts, build engine keeps showing exeption, and doesn't go to idle status.
And once this situaion happens, it seems that restarting WAS and Build Engine doesn't resolve the problem.

I have questions:
1.Does Build Engine should start after WAS?
2.If Build Engine starts in advance WAS, is there any way to correct the exeption above?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 08 '14, 2:46 a.m.
The JBE, once started, begins to try to log into the repository. If that is not there, you see the errors. The errors are harmless.If you don't want to see them, make sure WAS is up before you start the JBE's.

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