although you have not asked a question in either title or text I assume you wonder if anybody has seen this error before and might know the cause and/or a workaround. Can you please give more details?
What version of RTC? Notice MSP 2010 is supported since RTC 4.0
What is the complete error message? What client? If web, what browser and browser version?
As a generic hint, this article summarizes the MS Project export/import: https://jazz.net/library/article/1150
Yes, as Arne says, PLEASE make the title of your question a meaningful question (if you don't have a question mark at the end of your question, it is probably not a meaningful question). Imagine that the only info a person gets from you is your question title ... and ask yourself if you are likely to get a sensible answer.
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Arne Bister
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 05 '14, 3:45 p.m.Hi,
although you have not asked a question in either title or text I assume you wonder if anybody has seen this error before and might know the cause and/or a workaround. Can you please give more details?
What version of RTC? Notice MSP 2010 is supported since RTC 4.0
What is the complete error message? What client? If web, what browser and browser version?
As a generic hint, this article summarizes the MS Project export/import: https://jazz.net/library/article/1150
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 06 '14, 12:01 a.m.Yes, as Arne says, PLEASE make the title of your question a meaningful question (if you don't have a question mark at the end of your question, it is probably not a meaningful question). Imagine that the only info a person gets from you is your question title ... and ask yourself if you are likely to get a sensible answer.