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RQMExcelImport for Test Scripts with testscript.steps.type="keyword" does not work?

Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | asked Jul 29 '14, 12:13 p.m.
RQM reports internal server error on Test Script creation through Excel Importer for Test Script step type 'Keyword'. Not specific to an RQM version.

* The error is specific to testscript.steps.type="keyword"
* No error is observed if the testscript.steps.type="execution"
* The requirement is to use Excel Importer to create Test Scripts with a few steps considered as Keywords..

Here is a sample excel sheet (ref) and cfg file which replicates this:-
excel sheet : Use Keyword sample.xls in '<RQMExcelImport>/samples' location
Config file content: Use corresponding .cfg file, change the following line
testscript.steps.type="execution" to testscript.steps.type="keyword"

I could not establish a root cause, may be somebody with code access confirms this is a defect?

Additional data:

* I tried manually, keyword creation works (So does not seem to be a permission, role induced problem), it seems there is a href of the sort below created for keyword type steps.
* Is that why (excel import does not (can't) create keyword + get link + add link into step?) export from excel fails?
<ns10:link href=""/>
* Slow approach of Export to file > Import in RQM using XML does not work possibly for same reason.

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards, Sunil

Accepted answer

permanent link
Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Aug 05 '14, 4:34 a.m.
Hi Sunil,

Currently we only support testscript.steps.type="Execution"    or   "Reporting"   Any other step type is not supported.

Sunil Kumar R selected this answer as the correct answer

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