Command to use in "Post-Build command line"
Hi ,
I am using RTC in Eclipse, & in my build definition I have enabled the "Post build deliver" & "Post-Build Command Line" options. but I have no clue what commands should I put there for automated deliver after successfull build. is there any video/diocuments avalable for that. any example will be very much helpful.
I tried with $lscm deliver which I dont think works...
Please give me some exapmle how to do this in project.
sam detweiler
Jul 29 '14, 8:46 I see Post Build Deliver
and Command line
but the two are not connected..
one (commandline) is where you would put whatever command you need to execute the build (if its not Ant)
and the other (deliver) is the built in deliver operation after the build is successful. to move the compiled source to the next workflow phase (stream)