How to disable domain authentication in Eclipse
We are planning to implement Single Sign On (SSO) in our CLM environment. During our testing, we noticed that if we have SSO authentication for CLM, we can't use Eclipse client as it uses domain authentication. Trying to figure out how to disable domain authentication in eclipse client so that it doesn't look for username/password.
Thanks in advance for any recommendation and/or solution.
Thanks in advance for any recommendation and/or solution.
One answer
As of CLM 5.0.2, there is no way to configure SSO with the thick clients. This work item is tracking SAML authentication support (and other customers asking for SSO).
You can configure SSO for the web application, but then the thick clients will not work. I'm not aware of a work around.
You can configure SSO for the web application, but then the thick clients will not work. I'm not aware of a work around.