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Why my change set didn't flow to target stream?

2. I add Stream 1.1 as the flow target for Stream 1.0
3. I delivered a change set from Stream 1.0
change set can flow from Stream 1.0 to Stream 1.1. When I switch to workspace which is from Stream 1.1, I can see incoming changes (I expect it flows from Stream 1.0).
Actual :
when I switch to workspace from Stream 1.1, I didn't see any incoming changes
Does anyone know what this happen?
One answer


Yes, I did like that, I delivered a change set to Stream 1.0, As we understand, this change set should be a incoming changes appears in Stream 1.1. when I open the workspace which associated with Stream 1.1, it should appears as incoming changes in pending view,
But actually, it didn't happen.

Yes, the change set is an incoming change to Stream 1.1, but is not an incoming change to a workspace associated with Stream 1.1 until you have explicitly delivered the change set from Stream 1.0 to Stream 1.1 (which it appears you have not yet done).

Does any other configuration will impact change set flow ?

The change set flow showed in the Pending Changes is completely determined by the state of the two configurations in a given flow, and is not affected by any other configuration. One way to think about the Pending Changes view is that it is a very fast "compare" operation, between the pairs of configurations shown in the Pending Changes view. And in addition to a fast compare, it is a "live" compare, where you can request that those changes "flow" ("accept" flows in one direction, and "deliver" flows in the other direction).