Unable to print complete information when trying to print Test Scripts
One answer
Below were the steps taken under RQM v2.0.1.1 IFix2
1. Open test script
2. Click on View Test Scripts
3. Open any of the test script which has more steps (say 10 + steps)
4. Click on PDF from the bottom of the page and select Normal View
5. View PDF file
You could see the steps missing from the PDF report.
What I want to understand is that, will a testfix / patch be provided for this release if reported?
You may be experiencing Test script steps which include keyword don't show on the PDF file. (26512).
Yes, RQM 2.x is still supported so if you create a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639), we will investigate.
I tested with RQM v2.0.1.1 ifix05 and did not see the same issue when I have got 15 steps in the script. I also tried to add keyword to the steps and no problem as well.
The mentioned defect seems to be fixed in 2.0.1 and may not related to the missing step in this post at all. My best guess would be it is directly or indirectly fixed between ifix 02 and 05. Are you seeing the same issue for all scripts with 10+steps? Do you have any unique steps such as image added to Expected result and so on?
I would suggest to upgrade to v2011ifix05. Unless the same issue can be reproduced in v2011 ifix5(final version in 2011), I don't think there will be any testfix provided for 2011 ifix2, given the old version 2011 is desupported early next year, it is very hard to justify having a testfix if no problem is seen in 2011 ifix05.
Upgrade to 2011 ifix05 from 2011 ifix02 is relatively easy via Installation manager. There are so many benefits to upgrade:
1) many defects are fixed between the versions
2) at the end, you will need to upgrade. 2011 ifix05 is the best version to upgrade to 3.0.1.x as it has huge performance improvement given that export and import during upgrade to v3.0.1.x is always a big headache in terms of hours taken.
Don Yang
Jul 20 '14, 3:46 a.m.it would be helpful if you can suggest which PDF menu you tried and a screenshot of the result