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Defect Number not listed in Iteration Plan

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Apr 24 '09, 6:47 p.m.
When I open a defect and assign to a Sprint it gets displayed in the Iteration Plan's Planned Items page, but it only shows the Summary, Work Estimation, and Priority fields in this view

We would like to also display the unique defect Number assigned to each defect in this view rather than having to open each defect to see the number assigned. Our team refers to defects by their numbers and not based on what their summary is.

Is there a way to configure this?

4 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 26 '09, 4:31 p.m.
When I open a defect and assign to a Sprint it gets displayed in the Iteration Plan's Planned Items page, but it only shows the Summary, Work Estimation, and Priority fields in this view

We would like to also display the unique defect Number assigned to each defect in this view rather than having to open each defect to see the number assigned. Our team refers to defects by their numbers and not based on what their summary is.

Is there a way to configure this?

Not directly (AFAIK) - but see if this helps. Open up your Plan, click on the planned items tab, and then if you click on the "spectacles" icon (Show Preview) - you see more details on the currently selected work item on the Preview pane on the right-hand side.

You can also do editing in the Preview pane, or reduce the size of the preview if it is taking up too much real estate.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 26 '09, 11:22 p.m.
Hello miwalker,

today with RTC you can go with the preview option Anthony mentioned.
You have to make sure the attribute you want to edit is displayed on the
overview tab of the work item editor.

In RTC 2.0 to be released mid this year, I believe there are plans to enable
you to present additional attributes in the iteration plan as well as to
be able to configure the preview pane.
Please have a look at the new and noteworthy of milestones e.g.
as well as the RTC 2.0 plan.
I believe I have picked up this info in this forum and/or in the sources



When I open a defect and assign to a Sprint it gets displayed in the
Iteration Plan's Planned Items page, but it only shows the Summary,
Work Estimation, and Priority fields in this view

We would like to also display the unique defect Number assigned to
each defect in this view rather than having to open each defect to see
the number assigned. Our team refers to defects by their numbers and
not based on what their summary is.

Is there a way to configure this?

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Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Apr 28 '09, 1:58 a.m.
Thank you both for the help.

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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Apr 29 '09, 3:22 a.m.
miwalker wrote:
When I open a defect and assign to a Sprint it gets displayed in the
Iteration Plan's Planned Items page, but it only shows the Summary,
Work Estimation, and Priority fields in this view

We would like to also display the unique defect Number assigned to
each defect in this view rather than having to open each defect to
see the number assigned. Our team refers to defects by their numbers
and not based on what their summary is.

Is there a way to configure this?

I quite don't understand what you mean by defect number. It you are
referring to the work item id, you should see that in every row on the
far right side. Its rendered as link, shows the work item id, the work
items hover, and opens the work iten on click.

For 2.0 we are going to support configurable columns. For instance, if
you have custom attribute for certain work item types, you'll be able to
display them on the plan.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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