Unable to import MS Project Plan in RTC

I am unable to import the ms project plan in RTC. I am working on 6.0.2. When i try to import the MS Project XML file, i am facing the following error:
Exception occurred while generating the objects from xml document. Exception : null
Exception occurred while importing the XML file. Exception : null
In CCM log following error message is shown:
[ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-5 @@ 07:44] ERROR .internal.service.impex.AbstractXMLImporterService - Exception occured while generating the objects from xml document. Exception : null
Kindly guide me about the said error. I have checked the xml file also and didn't found any null values.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 31 '16, 2:24 a.m.Please consider to contact support I don't see how anyone could help based on the information above. Maybe one of our support engineers has seen a similar exception and can provide a hint, until then contacting support is likely to be your best option.