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Is there a way to import ARIS Business Process Models into RSA?

Stefan Peuser (812) | asked Jul 14 '14, 12:03 p.m.
We are planning on using RSA, RRC and RTC for our modelling work and could possibly benefit from already existing ARIS business process models. In fact, we are less interested in the process flow, but getting access to the high level business data model attached to the flow could speed up our work.
I understand that ARIS can export to XPDL (the XML Process Definition Language) via the SOA Architect and to BPMN 2 XML with ARIS version 9.6 or later. Also AML export (ARIS Markup Language, XML export format of the software tool ARIS®) is possible.

is there any possibility to import ARIS workflow model data into the above mentioned tool suite?

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Steve Arnold (28131511) | answered Jul 15 '14, 4:07 a.m.
Hi Stefan,

Firstly RSA can import BPMN2 - so if you can get it out of ARIS in that format - it should come across ok.

Also there is a work item for an ARIS integration to RRC - though its not yet in plan.

Stefan Peuser selected this answer as the correct answer

Stefan Peuser commented Jul 16 '14, 12:18 p.m.

Hi Steve, thank you for commenting, the on-site ARIS team did some more investigation of alternatives and found out that some ARIS tooling apparently can export UML models in IBM® Rational® XDE format (surprisingly), which than can be imported via an XDE Model Importer into the IBM® Rational® Software Architect (see also

I’ll update this entry with news on progress or failure.


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