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parallel conflict when 2nd user try to save the plan with refreshing first user's change

Chidambaram L (23414287) | asked Jun 24 '14, 4:01 a.m.
To allow the developers edit the work items in Gantt chart and Ranked list view in the Plan, developers are given "Modify plan" permission. But this leads to parallel conflict.

Steps to re-create the problem:
1) 2 users open the same plan at the same time.
2) User 1 makes some change to the plan by adding a new work item
3) user 2 makes some change to the plan by demoting a work item
4) user 2 successfully saves the plan
5) user 1 tries to save the plan; results to an error.

Do you recommend all developers in the project to change the sequence development of tasks assigned to himself / herself (i.e., modify sequence in the Gantt Chart and Ranked List view) ?
Developer creates one Plan for himself / herself. Developer always uses this plan to play with his tasks. Is this a viable option ?

What is the best way to allow the users play with Gantt Chart and Ranked List view avoiding the parallel conflict.

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Kevin Eifinger (1211710) | answered Jun 25 '14, 11:45 a.m.
This is working as intended. The server recognizes that one of the workitems in a plan has been changed and displays the notice that you have to reload. Any unsaved changes are lost.
This makes sense because it prevents overwriting changes user 1 did. Workitems would need a merge editor in order to avoid the loss of unsaved changes.

I always advise my clients to set the "Auto-Save" checkbox in order to avoid this incident as much as possible.

To answer your question: It is not possible to avoid the conflict. As long as one single workitem in your plan has been changed elsewhere (work item editor or plan) the conflict will arise. If two developers work on separate plans which have no overlapping work items no conflict will occur.

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