RTC 5.0 infocenter
Accepted answer
Hi Kaushambi
Please check if the below knowledgecenter URL helps:
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management V5.0 documentation:
Please check if the below knowledgecenter URL helps:
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management V5.0 documentation:
I tried the link this morning and it appears to be live.
1 vote
It is ver very slow...unusable. Why they decided to move to the knowledge center?
Considering the title of the question ("RTC InfoCenter"), let me extend the scope of the question:
to access CLM and RTC/RQM/RDNG/RDM documentations, you'll certainly start by a link you have handy (like the one provided by Rohit for CLM), then go one-level up, parse a long list of Rational products to finally select the product you're interested in.
In the following blog post, a short list focusing CLM products ONLY is proposed for a speeding up the access to these documentations. Hope you find it useful.