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Datawarehouse Star Data Collection job time taken reduced in 5.0.2

Pierre Friend (191915) | asked Sep 21 '17, 9:08 a.m.

I just completed a staging upgrade of CLM v.4.0.4 to v.5.0.2 Ifix22. I did not opt to install the DCC application. I am still using the same data collection method as the one used in v.4.0.4. Now, after running the post upgrade data collection jobs, I noticed that the time taken for the Star Data Collection job went from taking 4h+ to just 15 minutes. The Data Collection Job status page indicates that all jobs were completed successfully. What has changed in v.5.0.2. Is there an explanation for this drastic variance in the time taken.

2 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Sep 21 '17, 10:08 a.m.

It's likely a combination of changes between releases, however this one which was fixed in 4.0.6 seemed to offer dramatic improvements:

The BuildStar ETL run as JAVA ETL takes way longer as compared to run from Insight Data Manager. (286430)

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Pierre Friend (191915) | answered Sep 21 '17, 11:24 a.m.

Thanks for your response. However, I curently have a 4.0.7. server in production that is running Star data collection jobs which also takes 4+ hours to complete. No sure what to make of it.

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