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How to get the Test Plan selection available on TCER creation

Janet Charbonneau (852754) | asked Jun 18 '14, 1:55 p.m.

My testers have been creating TCERs and not selecting the Test Plan, so our Scorecard report is not showing all of the test execution statistics.  If we go run the test case again, it has the Test Plan, Iteration and Test Environment selections grayed out.  If we delete all of the execution records for that test case and then go back and try to run the test case again, it still does not allow us to select the Test is still grayed out.

How do I get the Test Plan selection to not be grayed out so they can assign a test plan to their TCERs when they create their TCER?

Also, if I go to the test case and click on Test Case Execution Records, the "Create New Test Case Execution Records" button is also grayed out.  How do I get that button to be available to select?

When I add a brand new test case to the test plan and run it for the first time, the Test Plan selection is available, so it seems to only be a factor for our existing test cases.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 18 '14, 7:02 p.m.

Do you mean that if you add the existing test case to a test plan and then select that test case within test plan's testcase section, "Create New Test Case Execution Records" button is greyed out or you open test case and try to open the TCER section? I checked with my 4.0.6 RQM(what version do you use?), in TestPlan, adding existing test case and then select that one, "Create New Test Case Execution Records" button will be enabled and I can create TCER there. This is the right way to create TCER and associates with the TestPlan when executing the test case or executing TCER directly.

When I add a brand new test case to the test plan and run it for the first time, the Test Plan selection is available, so it seems to only be a factor for our existing test cases.
If you select that test case in the testplan's test case section, and try to create a new TCER there for the newly created and added test case, are you able to do that?

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