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On the Risk work item, is there a way to hide or delete the numbers and labels (Probability% and Impact %) on the risk matrix?

Janet Charbonneau (852754) | asked Jun 10 '14, 3:07 p.m.
edited Jun 11 '14, 6:14 a.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)
My customer wanted to rename the Probability and Impact attributes and to put new enumeration values in them.  I used the Label feature of the work item to show a different label on the editor presentation so the words around the matrix don't relate to anything on the editor presentation.  Therefore, they would like to see the risk matrix with no labels or numbers around it....essentially just the matrix.  Is it possible to hide or delete the numbers around the matrix and also the "Probablity %" and "Impact %" labels?

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