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Custom instalation and setup of RTC

I'll start using RTC (version 5.0.2) in a few weeks and I'm a newbie. The RTC was customized by my client and it has a few limitations that it doesn't make my work easier.
1) There are 4 fixed streams, one for each environment (develop, quality, pre-prodution and prodution)
2) Cannot create extra streams, baselines or snapshots
3) From my workspace I can only deliver to the devolopment stream.
4) No one can deliver directly to the other streams
5) The code "flows" from the workspace to develop stream -> quality stream -> pre-prodution stream -> prodution stream
One big problem is that very often the code in develop/quality streams has features that aren't present in pre-produtcion/production. But when I have to fix code in the pre-production/production streams I have to "rollback" the entire code in develop/quality streams then apply the fix and flow the code to pre-production/production streams. In the end I have to update the develop/quality streams again to the current code.
Does this seem natural/normal? Agile?
Can you help me? Thanks
Accepted answer

If they want you to fix bugs in pre-production or production without first delivering all changes currently in develop and quality, then you cannot do so unless they let you flow changes directly to pre-production or production.
I agree with Abraham that a restriction on creating baselines/snapshots makes no sense, but creating baselines/snapshots will not help you with this scenario. They either need to let you flow all changes in develop and quality along with your bug fixes to pre-production and production, or they need to let you flow changes directly to pre-production or production.
I agree with Abraham that a restriction on creating baselines/snapshots makes no sense, but creating baselines/snapshots will not help you with this scenario. They either need to let you flow all changes in develop and quality along with your bug fixes to pre-production and production, or they need to let you flow changes directly to pre-production or production.

Yes I agree, creating baselines/snapshots doesn't help me in this scenario but it's just one of the many features that are restricted.
Flowing all the changes from dev/qua to pre/prod sometimes it's not possible because there are new features/code that needs to be tested. So it seems that the most reasonably thing to do is to let the team flow bug fixes directly to pre/production
Abraham Sweiss
Apr 30 '15, 4:09 p.m.What is the tehcnical requirement that baselines/snapshots can not be created?
Ricardo Costa
May 01 '15, 9:04 a.m.Hi, it's a large organization and I don't know the reason for those decisions.
Abraham Sweiss
Apr 30 '15, 4:29 p.m.Not being able to create baselines/snapshots does not seem to make sence to me. However there must be a valid reason why the company went down that path. I would suggest discussing this with the project manager to see what can be done. Otherwise, unless someone else on this forum has a better solution then the one you are already doing, not much more can be done.