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Defect List Widget with properties

Felipe Hernandez (3031116) | asked Jul 11 '13, 3:26 p.m.
 I've been asked to show in the dashboard of the project a list of the defects with the properties, I've been looking but I cannot find how can this be done with the widgets, I've created a query that brings the information but when I put it on the dashboard only brings the ID and the title of the defect but I need the complete information, how can this be done?

Felipe A. Hernandez.

2 answers

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Lyll Jose (111) | answered Jul 12 '13, 12:53 a.m.

 You can use the available -workitem statistics widget in RTC and edit a bar chart or any similar charts from your query .

See below sample screenshot

permanent link
Felipe Hernandez (3031116) | answered Jul 12 '13, 1:01 p.m.
 Thanks Lyll Jose

But this is not what I need.

What I need is:

1 Defect1 User1 New DevTeam1...

And this to be show in the dashboard as a widget.

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