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Migrating DOORS client projects to DNG\RRC doesnot save links

Shirley Jhirad (514251) | asked Jun 09 '14, 4:37 a.m.

Once using ReqIF for migration from DOORS 9.5 to RRC\DNG, all modules are transferred but if links were  done between them, they are not maintained as well.

As i read about migration i do not see ant reference on what happens to links.

can someone advise?



Accepted answer

permanent link
Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered Jun 09 '14, 7:00 a.m.
Hi Shirley,

Make sure you also had the link module(s) in your exported reqif.  There is a youTube might be helpful, it includes links -

Shirley Jhirad selected this answer as the correct answer

Shirley Jhirad commented Jun 15 '14, 11:14 a.m.

Hi Maeve,

Thanks! the video does help a lot.

I was wondering what happens with DOORS external links or Links to RQM the existed inĀ  DOORS and now needs to be reflected in DNG.
Any idea?

Thanks again,

One other answer

permanent link
Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered Jun 16 '14, 4:03 a.m.
 Hi Shirley,

for RQM links they are not transferred, see -

I couldn't see on external links but I guess the same.  Maybe a PMR would be good here, see if there are alternative ways.  


Shirley Jhirad commented Jun 16 '14, 4:19 a.m.

Maeve, Thanks for all your help!!!

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