Unable to connect to https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.config

How can we install CLM using https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.config ?
I started IM and in Add Repositories, I just entered this url. It is throwing me this error:
Failed to connect repository 'https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.config' either because the repository does not exist, the repository is closed or the repository server can not be reached.
Add this repository to the list anyway?
CRIMC1085E: Resumable download failed for: https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.xml.
CRIMC1083E: Failed to retrieve 'https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.xml'.
CRIMC1084E: An exception is thrown while retrieving the file 'https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/4.0.6/4.0.6/install-repository/clm-offerings/repository/repository.xml' to 'C:\Users\553060\AppData\Local\Temp\cicdip_553060\1401772508924\nf\cicURLLrepository.xml6978089249225797020xml'.
Explanation: This issue can occur for different reasons. You might have an issue with your network connection. If you retrieve the file from a machine or network in your environment, the file system might be mounted incorrectly. On AIX, when you install from a file system that is mounted with the 'cio' option, the installation fails with the exception: A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
User Action: Verify your network connection. If you retrieve the files from your environment, copy the source files to a different file system and install from that file system.
java.net.UnknownHostException: jazz.net
Elapsed time 00:14.36.
Can anyone please explain me why this is not working? Is there anything else which I need to do?
Accepted answer

You've got this error "java.net.UnknownHostException: jazz.net". Check your DNS configuration and make sure that the machine can resolve the host name "jazz.net" - just run "ping jazz.net" to verify it.
Edit to add: Just had a quick test with the same repository and had no problems with installing from it.
Edit to add: Just had a quick test with the same repository and had no problems with installing from it.

Hi Donald,
I am not able to ping jazz.net.
It is giving error : Ping request could not find host jazz.net. Please check the name and try again.
I don't have administrator privileges in my machine. Is there a way to resolve my issue?

You need to talk to the network administrator within your organization. There is nothing else in Installation Manager that you can do.