RQM Command line adapter to execute SOAPUI test
Hi Team
I am using RQM 6.0 and trying to use command line adapter to execute SOAPUI test cases.
The test cases are successful when run through SOAPUI tool.
However when I try to run this test case from RQM through CLA, it throws and error as:
Cannot run program "D:\Project.xml": CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
I have followed the below steps.
Started the CLA adapter. Selected the path for saved .xml file of SOAP. Imported the script in RQM Linked to test case and run the script. Execution result completes with attachment QMAdapter635320281796192344.err which contains the above message.
Kindly let me know if I am missing anything.
Regards Rajat