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how to recover database password information used for JTS configuration

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Sep 24 '14, 9:23 a.m.

We have an existing Jazz enviornment runnning on 4.0.6 configured to use sql server as the backend.
The problem we noticed is - the person who configured the application has already left the organization.

Want to know where the password information will be written into. I see some garbage value against password in the file.

The password for jtsdbuser,ccmdbuser,qmdbuser.

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 24 '14, 7:52 p.m.
The password is "encrypted" for security reason, and it is not "garbage value", and you cannot retrieve the password from its encrypted form (that would be a security risk if you could).
I suggest you change the password on the SQL Server side and change it in JTS to match. If your CLM applications are still functioning, you can change the password JTS configuration. Otherwise, use a tool to encrypt the password and update the file.
anoop mc selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Sep 25 '14, 4:14 a.m.
Hello Anoop,

a similar question was asked in this thread:

SQL server password recovery

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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