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Date Error in Due Date field for Review panel in RTC using IE 8

Rita Lewitt (823) | asked May 23 '14, 10:32 a.m.
 The Due Date field in the Approval tab on a story in RTC is showing an invalid due date once it has been saved.

Using Internet Explorer 8
Open Story, click on Approvals Tab
Add Reviewer 
Set Due Date on Review ribbon above reviewer name.
Same record
Date changes from a valid date to this "NaN, NaN, 12:NaN:NaN PM"

Seems to be ok in Chrome.  

Rita Lewitt commented May 23 '14, 10:33 a.m.

Save Record...not Same RecordĀ 

One answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 25 '14, 7:41 a.m.

This should be the known defect :

and is fixed in 4.0.5.


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